Tuesday, March 07, 2006


Bicikl spada u najznacajnije izume u povijesti covjecanstva. Bar do danas.

Bicycle is one of the cleverest and most significant inovations ever. By now, at least.

Cycling is movement, freedom, autonomy.

Cycling is concentration and speed, and our yearning to reach new limits.

Cycling gives us deep respiration and helps us to fight against the destructive power of our world.

When cycling is at its best, it's silent. Silence is important because humans are permanently threatened by waste of musical sounds. We need long days of silence, long days of silent cycling.

When your bike functions optimally, when you're really cycling well, you don't hear the chain, you don't hear the wheels, you don't hear yourself, you hear silence, you hear your breathing: there's no crackling, there’s just the sound of smooth, rolling gliding, pure fleischentonal: just ssssccchhhh.

Cycling is the best health programme.

It is beautiful to be lonely on the bicycle, when you achieve this kind of floating state of riding without a bike chain, like in a concert with music playing almost automatically, like automatic dancing in a techno club.

Cycling is just like music: Man and machine becoming an entity. Man, who moves by his own efforts, in co-operation with a machine.

Cycling is the harmony which is necessary for a lithely sense of being, the harmony of titanium.

You cycle within your possibilities, within the rhythm of your life.

note: Rida (da mehki clan) wrote inspired by Lance Armstrong's biography and new Kraftwerk soundtrack.
